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Worship Styles

Grace offers three different worship styles every Sunday:

Traditional worship begins at 8:30am, in the Sanctuary

Contemporary worship beings at 11:00am, in the Sanctuary

Modern worship begins at 5:00pm, in the Prayer Chapel

Communion is offered at both Sunday morning services on alternating weeks. Each service offers a different way to connect to our Lord, worship, and grow in faith. Whichever service you attend you can trust that you will have a Christ-centered experience. You may enjoy one more than another and that is okay! Wondering which one fits you best? Read more below.

The first service is more "traditional" in the sense that hymns are sung accompanied by organ, there is a sanctuary choir, the pastors wear robes, and the like. It represents the continual living traditions of the church shared across the ages. This service uses the same scriptures and sermon as the later service. All are welcome!

In a contemporary worship service, you will hear Christian Contemporary worship being led by our Worship Team. The same traditions are followed as in the earlier service, but with a new spin. The second service is more informal and has some "contemporary" elements in terms of style and "feel." The sermon from the traditional service is also delivered at this service. Instead of traditional robes you will see our pastors wearing slacks and collars. All are welcome.

In a modern worship service, you will have a community oriented worship experience. The venue, worship team, and conversation are designed to create an intimate setting for you to worship God in relationship with others. All are welcome.

The Lord's Supper

Communion - Jesus said to His disciples, "I have eagerly desired to have this meal with you..."

As Lutheran Christians we believe that Christ’s Body and Blood are truly and physically present in the bread and wine of Holy Communion for the forgiveness of sins. This meal is of benefit to those who acknowledge their sinful condition and have placed their trust in Christ alone for salvation. Where Christ’s true body and blood are present, so also is the forgiveness of sins and eternal life. The ancient practice of the Church is that baptized and formally instructed Christians who share in this teaching are welcome to join in this meal that our Lord offers for the forgiveness of our sins.  (As you come to the Lord’s table, ushers will invite you to come forward.  Please fill in the rail beginning at the center, and kneel if you are able.  If you wish to receive, extend your hand for the bread.  You may then receive the wine, either by individual or common cup.  White grape juice is available in the center of each tray.  Those not baptized or instructed in the biblical teaching of Holy Communion which recognizes the physical presence of Christ’s body and blood within the bread and wine are invited to come forward to receive a blessing, if desired.  Simply cross your arms to receive the blessing. Please do not wait to be dismissed from the rail.  Those wishing to remain at the rail to pray are welcome to do so; others may return to their seats.)        “Come, for all has been made ready!”

OFFERING- The gifts we bring to God.

An offering is freely given by Christians to support ministry. An offering may be given to express thanks, give praise, or to show our love for God. Grace Lutheran Church does not require offerings. If you would like to see where the money goes, just ask! We have no secrets!


In the back of the Sanctuary as well as in the pockets of the chairs you will find Connection Cards. Feel free to fill one out to let us know you are looking to connect with a staff member or ministry. You can also request more information, prayer, and more. Place these cards in the offering baskets on your way out of worship. A staff member will be sure to get back to you soon.