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Join us as we worship our savior through the gift of music.

Sanctuary Choir

Grace’s Sanctuary Choir is for older youth and adults. All singers are welcome!  Rehearsals are 7:00PM every Thursday in the sanctuary.  We sing about 3 times a month at the 8:30AM service and also at festival and holiday services.  If you want to try choir just for a “season” you are always welcome.  Directed by Teresa Dinger.  


Worship Team

Grace’s praise band rehearses every Tuesday at 7:30PM to prepare music to lead our 11:00AM worship service.  The Praise Band includes guitar and bass players, keyboard and drum players, and singers.  Other instruments are used occasionally and are welcome.  Attendance at rehearsal is required for singing the following Sunday.  Led by Jared Ball, our worship team director


Children's Choir

Children's Choir is for all kids grades 1-5, and meets on Tuesdays at 3:15PM.   The choir works on proper singing techniques, basic music reading, and is exposed to a variety of choral music styles, and sings at special events and concerts during the year.  Directed by Teresa Dinger


Hand Bells & Other Instrumentals

Hand Bell Choir rehearses at various times to play for festival services.  You need to have basic music reading and rhythm skills.  We are always looking for new players, especially if you read bass clef! Directed by Gerry Hughes.   
