Below are service group and ministry opportunities for you and your family. Please consider serving in one of these groups. To get connected to these groups e-mail the church office at: churchoffice01@gracepocatello.org or call 203-237-0467.
Parish Nursing
We have a dedicated group of volunteer nurses who are happy to be a resource to help with your health needs. If you are a nurse and would like to participate in our Parish Nursing, contact Deb, our Parish Nurse Coordinator | parishnurse@gracepocatello.org
C.A.R.S. for Christ
C.A.R.S. (Christian Auto Repair Service) is composed of a group of volunteers who help do small car repairs for those in need. We enjoy teaching the basics and working with the experienced. Typically meeting on the 4th Saturday of the month.
Lutheran Women in Mission
The Lutheran Women's Missionary League is a service group for local, national and international mission projects. This group meets monthly for fellowship, Christian inspiration and planning of various mission events and activities. For information on LWML visit: www.lwml.org
Meal Ministries
Salvation Army & Mana Meals
Grace serves at the Salvation Army the first Saturday of the month. Sign up your small group or family today!
We also prepare meals for our church family in times of stress & need. For example, when new babies arrive, after surgery, or when family members pass away.
Walking with you.
Stephen's Ministry
Our Stephen's Ministry team has equipped congregation members to provide one-to-one Christian care to people who are hurting. Stephen's Ministers provide high-quality, Christ-centered care to people who experiencing change, life transitions, and grief.
For those who served us
Military Ministry
If you have a heart to serve out men and women in uniform, this service group is group you. It is a blessing to reach out to those in service, those who have returned home, and the families of those who serve.
For those who can't make it
Away at College, Nursing Home, Home Bound and Women's Prison Ministry
Grace sees that not everyone in our community has the ability to come to worship, so we send them love and sometimes take worship to them! These ministry opportunities include sending care packages, visiting the homebound, assisting in worship at local nursing homes, or bringing the words of grace to women in prison.
Working with our hands
Helping Hands & Lay Weeders
Helping Hands is focused on caring for our members by performing small tasks like tutoring, small home repairs, adult sitting, etc. Lay Weeders provides help for outdoor landscaping for GLC and outdoor work for our homebound members.
Other Organizations we Support
Do you have another way you like to care for others? Do you want to share your gifts with those in need? With many other care ministries Grace seeks to reach all who need a helping hand or a friend to walk with. No one is alone, Christ is always with us, and we are His hands and feet. Contact the church office today! (208)237-0467